Friday, September 17, 2010

This is What We’ve Been Saving for . . .

NEW and exciting!
"Jacob's Tails . . . (Back-to-the-Land)"
is now in E-Book formats
and can be downloaded at
Double Click on photos to enlarge
We’re looking at the Medical Travel Insurance for the winter . . . as a good friend would say “Holy Crap”. I wonder what it would be if we had any real medical issues?

In the meantime, summer weather has been rather non-existent. We exceeded 30 C (90 F) twice all summer – and now it’s gone. The coulees across the river are usually dry and brown by August and now it is mid-September and they are still green.

I managed to convert "Jacob's Tails" to an e-pub and it should be in Smashwords Premium Catalogue in the next few days. That means Amazon, Chapters/Indigo, Barnes and Noble, Borders, etc will have the e-pub available to their customers in about a half-a-dozen e-book formats. In the meantime an e book copy that you can read on your computer can be downloaded at Smashwords!

Cool, eh?

The Book-signing­ at Save-on-Foods went well and I sold 10 books and RV West is continuing my E-column. They did put my Snowbirding 101 piece in the most recent magazine, as well.

After our trip along the Icefields Parkway, the summer fell into its usual pattern. We did our Calgary trip where I got my IKEA fix (I spent $6.25) and had short visits with friends (we need to go again for longer visits). I did get some great shots of the canola fields and an urban Calgary bunny.

Sheila and Chuck (travel-buds) came down from Wetaskiwin for the Taber Corn Festival. Unfortunately, the weather has been so rainy and cold, the corn was really not ready . . . but we had fun anyway . . . we caught some young fellas on motor-bike jumping through the air

Some unique petting animals

And some handsome hay fields and a ferocious dinosaur

Lethbridge and our particular location never ceases to amaze me . . . the coulees – the bridge . . . our view . . . and the magnificent sunsets.

What now?! I know we’ve been saving all our lives but I never thought it would be to pay for the Medical Insurance we need to travel south for the winter . . . but the planning begins!!