Thursday, December 24, 2015

Opps – Here We Go Again!!

I woke up suddenly at 2 am Sunday morning when Fred shook me.
“I have a pain in my chest” he said.
Now I know what they mean by – it feels like I have a truck on my chest.”
I instantly called 911!
They came; they saw; then immediately wheeled him off to the hospital!!

I followed and found Fred being wheeled into an emergency room all wired up.
OMG – to say the least, it was a little terrifying.

Diagnosis? Atrial fibrillation (or A-fib)
The Emerg Doc did a great job of explaining what A-fib is and treatments options.
That along with extensive internet research managed to almost paralyze us with fear.
In comes a dear old friend – “oh, I have that”
What a God-sent!
Patti managed to explain what she had gone through; the various meds she tried; the meds she’s taking and how she is doing.
This, itself, managed to bring down our blood pressure!
We managed to get into see a GP on Tuesday and the Specialist on Wednesday. We were relieved, amazed, and pleased with the service we got from our Health Providers especially this time of the year when so many of them are off for the holidays!!
Long Story Short 
It looks like our proposed winter adventure to Vancouver Island is going to be either put off or eliminated. The doctor wants to monitor Fred’s progress and his next appointment is the end of January.
BUT . . .
Lethbridge is not totally without its attractions!!
Did I tell you that we have an incredible view?
Before the snow:

After the snow:

Decorations at the Brewery Gardens across the road:

May there be
Peace and Goodwill
for All! 

1 comment:

Jaimie Hall-Bruzenak said...

Scary but sounds manageable. Merry Christmas!